Our Services
Faucet and fixture

The range of plumbing fixtures you can install in your bathroom is huge. Most are based on a traditional layout: faucet head in the middle, handles for hot and cold water on either side.

Installing the Faucet
  • Attach hot and cold water lines to faucet assembly. They have standard screw-on fittings--hot on the left, cold on the right.
  • When they are finger tight, give each between a half to a full turn with your pliers. Place rubber washer over brass washer.
  • Insert one mounting screw into gasket hole.
  • Feed the water lines through the vanity's taping hole. While holding the faucet from above, secure the mounting screw in the corresponding hole of the faucet assembly from below.
  • The rubber gasket should be the one making contact with the underside of the vanity.
  • You may release the faucet assembly when it is stable. Set the drain fitting in the basin's drain hole.